July 28, 2014

Week 1: The Journey

Nur Liyana Yanti Binte Kamarudin
Nur Aliah Binte Omar
Wei Wen Xuan
Grace Tan Wei Qi

The essence of this project is to deepen our awareness by exploring our senses; to get reconnected with what we feel, taste, touch, listen and smell. We believe that the perfect way to regain these intricate experiences is to go back to when we were growing up. As children, our senses were at its peak as everything we experience had a sense of surprise. For the purpose of this project we are uniting our childhood journeys and memories that made to remind us what igniting our senses would feel like.

A child's first car ride, a sense of wonder and amazement as the vehicle moves until sleep takes over and the child will fall into a slumber

Parents tying a child's shoelace gives children the feeling that they are being loved and taken care of


A child's first read, ignites their sense of sight and mind as they mimic adults whilst trying to comprehend the things they see

As children, our senses are instantly ignited but once the sense of wonder and curiosity wares off, children go into boredom 

    Toys- one of the heights of a child's childhood, the basic experience of using their senses

Hide & Seek gives us a sense of thrill and patience as children 


Some of us experienced ballet or other forms of competitive activity which gives us our first sense of determination and confidence

We were all exposed to swimming that gave us a sense of fun and freedom while were in the water

All of us had our first experience in writing our first language, and as a child it gave us all a similar sense of wonder and endearment to want to study as a child

As we grow up, we lost contact with these senses that we once had as children and they were what developed us to become the people we are today. Through this project we remind ourselves that we have become negligent of the little things that makes us more aware and in touch with our surroundings. We begin to appreciate more of the senses that we have and make full use of them in our daily lives, so that we are less constricted from the normalcy of living our daily lives. Through this journey of igniting our senses, we learn that our basic senses can help us become more creative people as we think out of the box once we become more aware of the little things that could give us inspiration.